We’re proud to say that this year marks the 10th Anniversary of SkylogistiX.
As an expert in supply-chain and logistics, SkylogistiX provides services including onboard load planning, forecasting, equipment management, as well as trolley and other asset tracking.
Our industry expertise has driven us forward through 10 years of success, and we’d like to thank our teams and partners for their continued support.
In dedication of our 10 year anniversary we created this page, so you can find all the information and the latest news here over the next three months.
We are proud to be celebrating this milestone! So join us, and don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for updates in the coming weeks.
Celebrating 10 years of seamless Supply Chain Management. Read our latest blog here.
Linked In:
How can SkylogistiX help your Company? Have a look at our recent Linked In post here.
10 years – 10 Milestones: What did we achieve over the last ten years?
SkylogistiX are hitting an important milestone with their 10 year anniversary this year.
Therefore,we wanted to celebrate the teamwork and relationships that helped make this success possible by launching a Team Photo Contest, where 10 SLX teams around the globe are invited to send in their most creative team pictures.
Our three judges Thomas Berti (Managing Director SPIRIANT), Katja Wöber-Bagliani (Head of HR SPIRIANT & SkylogistiX) & Daniel Knies (Director Design SPIRIANT) wrapped their heads together and evaluated all the pictures of the teams and the winner is………the team from Prague!
Have a look at all the team pictures below!